中國醫藥大學醫學院113學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)課程 學習心得海報競賽 【EMI Learning Experience Poster Competition 2025】
為推動教育部「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」,中國醫藥大學醫學院擬舉辦全英語授課(English as a medium of instruction, EMI)課程學習心得海報競賽,希冀以賽促學,鼓勵大學部和研究所同學分享過去修讀全英語授課(EMI)課程之心得和經驗,以利傳承EMI修課經驗、提升全英語課程(EMI)能見度和優化EMI課程內容。
To promote bilingual education, China Medical University College of Medicine plans to organize an “English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Course Learning Experience Poster Competition” to encourage students to share their experiences and insights about taking EMI courses in the past years. The competition aims to encourage students to pass on their EMI course learning experiences to others and learn from others. Moreover, we hope this competition can enhance the visibility of our EMI courses and improve the content of our courses.
主辦單位: 中國醫藥大學醫學院
協辦單位: 中國醫藥大學雙語教學推動資源中心
Organizer: China Medical University College of Medicine
Co-organizer: China Medical University Bilingual Education Center
三、 競賽活動時間
- 報名時間:即日起至114年4月28日(一) 上午 09:00分前止。
- 人氣投票日期: 114年4月29日(三)至114年5月6日(三) 上午 09:00分止。
- 獲獎名單公告:114年5月下旬,於醫學院網站公告
1. Application Deadline: 2025/4/28 (Monday)before 09:00 a.m.
2. Online Voting for Best Popularity Award: 2025/4/29 (Wednesday) - 2025/5/6 (Wednesday) before 09:00 a.m.
3. Award Announcement: The list of awardees will be posted on the webpage of the College of Medicine in late May 2025. (
- 「一般組」參賽資格:
- 「特別獎組」參賽資格:
The competition will be divided into the "General Category," and “Special Award Category”:
- "General Category":
All the undergraduate and graduate students of China Medical University who have taken at least 1 EMI course during the 2022/2023 to 2024/2025 academic years (including local students, overseas Chinese students, and international students). Students need to apply individually.
- “Special Award Category”:
For sophomore students of the College of Medicine only: second-year undergraduate students who have earned at least 20% of their credits from EMI courses in the 2024/2025 academic year.
註1:EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction)課程係指在英語非母語的教育機構 (non-English speaking institutions),例如臺灣大專校院,提供全英語授課的專業領域課程。課程的內容傳遞、師生互動、學習及學術支持教材、學習成果展示與評量100%使用英語。學生在分組時之互動,可使用其他語言,以利彼此間的理解與創意發想,確保至少70%班級溝通是以英文進行。
註2:英文課程(例如:English Corner、English Café等)及其他英語活動不歸類為EMI課程。但全英語通識課程,例如: 生活中的生物化學、西洋文學與醫學、知性的呼喚:探索自然與科學革命的故事等,可算為EMI課程。可參考醫學院雙語化學習計畫網站-EMI課程簡介(。
註3: 一張海報僅能報名一個組別。
- EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses refer to professional field courses taught entirely in English at non-English speaking institutions, such as Taiwan's colleges and universities. The content delivery, student-teacher interaction, learning, and academic support materials, and presentation and assessment of learning outcomes are 100% in English. Students may use other languages in group interaction to facilitate mutual understanding and creative thinking and to ensure that at least 70% of class communication is conducted in English.
- English language learning courses such as English Corner, and English Cafe are not categorized as EMI courses. However, full English general education courses, such as “Learn Neuroscience from Movies”, “The late bloomer: Origins and Rise of homo sapiens”, “Biochemistry in Daily Life”, “Western Literature and Medicine”, “The Call of Understanding: Stories of Nature Exploration and Scientific Revolution”, etc., can be considered as EMI courses. Please check the website of BEST program, College of Medicine. (
- One poster can only be applied to one category.
- 格式:「使用附件一檔案製作」或是「A2直式海報格式並內含附件一檔案內的表頭」。
- 語言: 參賽者須以英語呈現EMI修讀心得。
- 檔案名稱: 【EMI海報競賽_組別_參賽者姓名】
- 內容: 課程重點、學習啟發、學習這門課的技巧、五個課程專業重點單字、如何推薦同學上此門課。
- 每張心得海報僅可分享一門EMI課程。每位參賽者至多可提交2張EMI心得海報。同一門課程僅能報名一次。
Poster Specifications and Topics:
- Format: Use the format of Appendix 1 or A2 straight poster format with the information contained in Appendix 1.
- Language: Participants must share their EMI study experience in English.
- File name: [EMI Poster Competition_Category_(name of participant)].
- Content: Key points of class, learning inspiration, learning technique for this class, five key academic vocabularies, how to recommend this class to others.
- Each poster shares one EMI course. Each participant can submit a maximum of 2 EMI learning experience posters. One EMI course poster just can only be submitted once.
1. 填寫網路報名表單
2. 敬請於114年4月28日(一) 09:00前,將「參賽海報」(PDF檔)及「EMI課程修課證明掃描檔(例如:成績單、選課系統課表)」,上傳至報名表單,若無法順利上傳請寄送至,主旨:「113-2全英語授課(EMI)課程學習心得海報競賽」。
3. 參與特別獎組同學須上傳或是寄送「113-1成績單」以及「113-2選課課表」以便進行資格核對。
4. 未繳交海報檔案與格式不符者視同放棄。
- Please fill out the online registration form at
- Upload your poster (PDF) before April 26 (Mon.) before 09:00 a.m., with the name "2025 CMU EMI Poster Competition_Category_(name of participant)" and a scanned copy of proof of attendance in the EMI course (e.g., transcript or school timetable) to the registration form or email to
- If you will attend the Special Award Category, please upload or send a scanned copy of proof of transcript for the fall semester of 2024 and the school timetable for the spring semester of the 2025 academic year.
- Those who have not submitted the poster file or the format does not meet the requirements will be deemed to give up.
- 競賽方式:總分100分,包含海報內容豐富度、創意及成效 (40%)、整體排版(海報規劃、美觀) (30%)、英文表達能力(25%)、人氣投票(5%)。競賽者需以全英語分享EMI修課心得和經驗。
- 評審委員: 由醫學院院長推選校內教師和校外專家學者,組成競賽評審小組。
- 凡曾經參加過此競賽之海報不得重複使用。
- 除資格不符之參賽海報外,所有海報將進行人氣投票。
- 獲獎學生,須於公告得獎後,提供「海報授權聲明書」正本(附件二)。
- 獲獎海報於比賽結束後將公布於網站或張貼於校園內供師生參考。
- 參加選拔作品,如經人檢舉或告發為他人代勞或違反本活動相關規定,且有具體事實者,則追回得獎資格與獎勵。
- 參賽者於參加此競賽同時,即同意接受上述各項規範。本活動如有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有修改辦法之權益。活動辦法以醫學院網頁公告為主。
Competition Rules and Schedule:
1. Competition: 100 points in total, including poster content creativity and achievements (40%), design typography (30%), English expressing ability (25%), and best popularity vote (5%). Participants will be required to share their EMI learning experience in full English.
2. Judges: Faculty members and experts will be selected by the Dean of the College of Medicine to form the judging committee for the competition.
3. All posters that have been submitted in the previous competition should not be used again.
4. All posters will join the best popularity vote, except for those posters that do not meet the requirements.
5. Upon announcement of the award, the winners must provide a scanned copy of the poster authorization statement (Appendix 2).
6. The award-winning videos will be posted online or presented to students and faculty on campus after the competition.
7. If a participant is reported or accused of working for someone else or violating the rules and regulations of this event, and if there are concrete facts, the winner will be disqualified.
8. By participating in this competition, the entrant agrees to accept the above-mentioned regulations. The organizer reserves the right to revise this event's rules and regulations in case of unfinished matters. The event rules will be announced on the medical school website.
評分項目 |
比重 |
評分重點 |
海報內容呈現 |
40% |
主題明確 學習成效 豐富度、創意 |
整體排版 |
30% |
具有整體性 海報規劃 美觀 |
英文表達能力 |
25% |
文法 語句通順度 |
人氣投票 |
5% |
100% |
Grading Items |
Points |
Evaluation Criteria |
Poster Content |
40% |
Clear and innovative theme Learning achievements Richness & Creativity |
Design typography |
30% |
Completeness Planning Management Aesthetic |
Expressing Ability in English |
25% |
Grammar Sentence Fluency |
Popularity Vote |
5% |
100% |
(1) 參與競賽之學生均頒予參賽證書乙紙。
(2) 獎項評定及頒發由評選委員會議決議之,必要時得以「從缺」辦理。
(3) 本競賽活動之使用經費,擬由教育部「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」經費項下支應。本活動獎勵類別和獎金額度如下:
一般組 (全校在學大學部及研究所學生)
第一名: 獎金2,500元整及獎狀乙紙。
第二名: 獎金2,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
第三名: 獎金1,500元整及獎狀乙紙。
佳作1名: 獎金1,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
人氣獎2名: 獎金800元整及獎狀乙紙。
特別獎組 (限醫學院大二學生,113學年度總修讀學分之20%(含)以上,為全英語授課課程(EMI)
第一名: 獎金5,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
第二名: 獎金4,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
第三名: 獎金3,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
佳作1名: 獎金2,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
人氣獎2名: 獎金1,000元整及獎狀乙紙。
Award Method:
- All students participating in the competition will be awarded a certificate of participation.
- The evaluation and awarding of the prize shall be decided by the jury meeting, and if necessary, it can be done "on an optional basis".
- The funds for this competition are intended to be used by the Ministry of Education under the "Bilingual Learning Program for College Students ". The award categories and amounts are as follows:
General Category (for all the undergraduate and graduate students of CMU)
First place: $2,500 and a certificate of merit
Second place: $2,000 and a certificate of merit
Third place: $1,500 and a certificate
1 Excellence Award: $1,000/team and a certificate
2 Best Popularity Awards: $800/team and a certificate
Special Award Category (for sophomore students of the College of Medicine only)
First place: $5,000 and a certificate
Second place: $4,000 and a certificate
Third place: $3,000 and a certificate
1 Excellence Award: $2,000/team and a certificate
2 Best Popularity Awards: $1,000/team and a certificate
電話:(04)2205-3366分機2135(李小姐) / 2191(陳小姐) /
Office of the BEST Project, College of Medicine, China Medical University
Tel: (04)2205-3366 ext.2135 (Ms. Li) / ext. 2191 (Ms. Chen)
E-mail: /
十一、附件 Attachments
1. 113-2全英語授課(EMI)課程學習心得海報競賽_參賽者姓名(格式)
1. 2025 CMU EMI Poster Competition_(name of participant)_format