中國醫藥大學醫學院第三屆「校園裡的小旅行-國際文化體驗活動企劃競賽」(International Cultural Activity Proposal Competition 2025)
International Cultural Activity Proposal Competition
College of Medicine, China Medical University
Information for Participants
To facilitate interactions between international and Taiwanese students, enhance students' understanding of diverse cultures, and build an inclusive and international-friendly campus, the College of Medicine will hold the third "International Cultural Activity Proposal Competition". The competition aims to encourage students to share different cultures and embrace cultural diversity. We hope this competition will increase students' motivation to learn English.
College of Medicine, China Medical University
Bilingual Education Center, China Medical University
All current students at China Medical University. Students can apply individually or in groups (within 5 students). Each student can only participate in one group, and each group must have a group leader. Group members and topics cannot be changed after the application deadline.
- Application Deadline: March 28, 2024 (Friday) before 17:00
- Please submit your activity proposal and consent form before March 28, 2025 (Friday). Please name the file "2025 CMU International Cultural Activity Proposal Competition _(name of participant)" to Download: International Cultural Activity Proposal Format & Consent Form
- Online registration form:
- The duration of the cultural activity must be between 50 minutes and 1 hour and the proposal should include objectives, estimated date and venue, agenda and a brief description of the activity, ,budget plan, expected outcome, and facilities/equipment involved. Please refer to the proposal format in the attachment. The activity proposal should be in Times New Roman, 14-point font size, 1.15 line spacing, and no more than 3 pages. If your activity proposal exceeds 3 pages, you will be disqualified.
- Award Announcement: The list of awardees will be posted on the webpage of the College of Medicine before the end of April 2025 (
- Those who do not submit their presentation proposal before the deadline or whose format does not meet the requirements will be disqualified.
- Judging Criteria: 100 points in total, including content structure (25%), expected outcome (15%), creativity (25%), budget planning (15%), and English writing skill (20%). Winners will be expected to carry out their cultural activity on campus in full English before the end of June 2025.
- When the list of winners is announced, the winners must agree to confirm the date on which they will carry out the cultural activities. The College of Medicine will assist students in booking the venue and making announcements. Winners who do not agree to carry out cultural activities during this semester (before the end of June 2025) will be disqualified.
- The total estimated budget should be within NT$3,000. (Please include the budget plan in your proposal)
- If a participant is reported or accused of working for someone else or violating the rules and regulations of this competition, and if there are concrete facts, the winner will be disqualified.
- By participating in this competition, the entrant agrees to accept the above-mentioned regulations. The organizer reserves the right to revise this competition's rules and regulations in case of unfinished matters.
All participating teams will be given a certificate of participation.
The evaluation and awards shall be decided by the judges. The judges reserve the right to make the final decision and to award no prize.
Ranking |
Awards |
1st place |
NT$3,000 and a certificate |
2nd place |
NT$2,500 and a certificate |
3rd place |
NT$2,000 and a certificate |
Excellence Award |
NT$1,500 and a certificate |
1) International Cultural Activity Proposal Format
2) International Cultural Activity Proposal Consent Form
Office of the BEST Project, College of Medicine, China Medical University
Tel: (04)2205-3366 ext. 2191 (Ms. Chen)/ ext.2135 (Ms. Lee)
E-mail: /