113-1 醫學院全英語授課(EMI)課程學習心得影片競賽最佳人氣獎投票CMU College of Medicine EMI Course Learning Experience Video Competition 2024-2025 Best Popularity Vote


We appreciate your interest in this semester's EMI Learning Experience Video Competition. 

Please vote for your favorite video in the 2 categories (General category and Advanced category).

投票日期 Online Voting Period:
December 25th, 2024 (Wednesday)~ January 2nd, 2025 (Thursday) before 9 a.m.

可參與投票對象 / Who can vote
所有人 Everyone


  1. 中國醫藥大學醫學院雙語計畫 CMU College of Medicine BEST Program Youtube 頻道https://www.youtube.com/@cmu.collegeofmedicine 觀看此次參賽影片。
  2. 影片播放清單: https://www.youtube.com/@cmu.collegeofmedicine/playlists
  3. 選擇 113-1 CMU EMI Competition Videos (General Category) & 113-1 CMU EMI Competition Videos (Advanced Category)
  4. 在您喜歡的影片中按「讚」。
  5. 人氣獎名次將根據按讚數多寡決定。

Voting method:

  1. Please visit the “CMU College of Medicine BEST Program” YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@cmu.collegeofmedicine and watch videos. 
  2. Video playlists: https://www.youtube.com/@cmu.collegeofmedicine/playlists
  3. Check the playlists of: 113-1 CMU EMI Competition Videos (General Category) & 113-1 CMU EMI Competition Videos (Advanced Category)
  4. Vote for your favorite one by giving “like”
  5. The award would be ranked by the number of “likes”.


PS. 人氣獎為獨立獎項,並不影響名次分數。

PS. The Best Popularity Award is an independent award. Do not affect final scores.


Thank you very much for your participation!

活動洽詢 Contact:
電話:(04)2205-3366分機2135(李小姐) / 2191(陳小姐)
E-mail:lihsin@cmu.edu.tw / shuen@cmu.edu.tw
Office of the BEST Project, College of Medicine, China Medical University
Tel: (04)2205-3366 ext.2135 (Ms. Lee) / ext. 2191 (Ms. Chen)
E-mail: lihsin@cmu.edu.tw / shuen@cmu.edu.tw