中國醫藥大學醫學院112-2學期「校園裡的小旅行」國際文化體驗活動 : We are the World: Ethnic Costumes from Different Culture

Name of Activity: "We are the World: Ethnic Costumes from Different Cultures"

Objectives: Ethnic costumes refer to the unique costumes of each ethnic group in their own culture. They can also be called local costumes or folk costumes. In urban life in some nation-states, although people mostly dress in modern Western-style clothing in daily life, during festivals, religious ceremonies, national ceremonies and other formal occasions, they will appear in ethnic costumes. By knowing the ethnic costumes of various countries around the world, we can understand their cultural and historical backgrounds, as well as the aesthetic and cultural differences between countries.

Date: May 23rd, 2024 (Thursday) 12:00pm~13:00pm

Venue: 5F, Classroom 5B01, Huchu Building, Yingcai Campus (英才校區互助大樓五樓5B01教室)

Presenter: Ms. Meng-Chia Liu (Monica)

Participants: 50 students (International and Taiwanese students)

Registration Link: is external)

Registration Deadline: May 20, 2024 (Monday)

*本活動以全英語方式進行 (This activity will be conducted in English.)


*本活動提供餐盒 (限前50名報名者)

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College of Medicine, China Medical University

TEL: 04-22053366 ext.2191

EMAIL: (Ms. Chen)