

講者: 黃飛揚 醫師 Fei-Yang Huang, MDPhD
學歷: 英國劍橋大學 神經生理學博士 、國立臺灣大學醫學系 輔修經濟系畢業
日期: 2022年1月28日(五)上午11:00~11:30
地點: 校本部卓越大樓2F史丹福講堂
講座語言: 英文
主題內容: 黃醫生將以輕鬆互動的方式,與同學們分享他的求學經歷和職涯規劃, 歡迎同學們踴躍報名參加。

報名網址: https://forms.gle/dV7TBTpn3g8qpw3Y8(link is external)

醫學院EMI計畫專案辦公室 陳小姐/ TEL: 04-22053366 分機2191/Email: shuen@cmu.edu.tw
【College of Medicine EMI Seminar Registration Form】
College of Medicine is honored to invite Dr. Fei-Yang Huang to share his educational experience and career planning with us on January 28 (Fri), 11:00~11:30 am. For more information about the seminar, please refer to the following:
Registration: https://forms.gle/dV7TBTpn3g8qpw3Y8(link is external)
(1) Speaker: Dr. Fei-Yang Huang, MDPhD
(2) Professional Education:
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, Neurophysiology
MD, National Taiwan University. School of Medicine (minor in Economics)
(3) Research Expertise: Neuroeconomics, Monkey Neurophysiology, Translational Behavioral Neurology, Signal (4) Analysis and Neural Network Simulation
(5) Seminar Date: January 28, 2022 (Fri) 11:00~11:40 am
(6) Venue: 2F, Stanford Lecture Hall, Excellence Building, Main Campus
(7) Language: English
(8) About seminar: Dr. Huang will share his educational experience and career planning in English and in an interactive manner. If you are interested in learning more about his studying abroad experience, please fill out the registration form below.

Thank you!

Contact Info: EMI Program Office, College of Medicine, China Medical University (Ms. Chen)/ TEL: 04-22053366 ext.2191/ Email: shuen@cmu.edu.tw