中國醫藥大學醫學院全英語夏令營 (China Medical University College of Medicine Summer Camp 2023)
2023-05-31 雙語活動【歡迎踴躍報名】中國醫藥大學醫學院111學年度第二學期全英語夏令營 China Medical University College of Medicine Summer Camp 2023 活動日期 (Date):June 19th(Mon)~ June 21st (Wed), 2023 主辦單位 (Organizers): College of Medicine, CMU &...
中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)學習心得海報競賽得獎作品展(水湳校區) 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Award-Winning Posters Exhibition Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of recipients
2023-05-26 雙語活動中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)學習心得海報競賽得獎作品展(水湳校區) 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Award-Winning Posters Exhibition Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of...
中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期「校園裡的小旅行」—國際文化體驗系列活動-波斯新年體驗 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine International Cultural Activity "Persian New Year (Nowruz)" Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of recipients
2023-05-22 雙語活動中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期「校園裡的小旅行」—國際文化體驗系列活動-波斯新年體驗 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine International Cultural Activity “Persian New Year (Nowruz)” Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year)...
中國醫藥大學醫學院111-2學期「校園裡的小旅行」國際文化體驗活動 : CMU College of Medicine International Cultural Activity -- "Persian New Year (Nowruz)"
2023-05-15 雙語活動Name of Activity: "Persian New Year (Nowruz) - Egg decorating activity" (To learn about Persian and Iran New Year Culture) Objectives: Introducing the Persian new year (Nowruz) and Egg-decorating...
中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)學習心得海報競賽得獎作品展(英才校區) 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Award-Winning Posters Exhibition Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of recipients
2023-05-05 雙語活動中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)學習心得海報競賽得獎作品展(英才校區) 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Award-Winning Posters Exhibition Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of...
中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期「校園裡的小旅行」—國際文化體驗系列活動-印尼舞體驗 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine International Cultural Activity “Kecak Dance Theatre” Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of recipients
2023-05-03 雙語活動中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期「校園裡的小旅行」—國際文化體驗系列活動-印尼舞體驗 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine International Cultural Activity “Kecak Dance Theatre” Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of...
111-2 醫學院全英語授課課程 學習心得海報競賽得獎作品分享 CMU College of Medicine EMI Course Learning Experience Poster Competition 2023 Award-Winning Posters
2023-04-20 雙語活動111-2 中國醫藥大學醫學院 全英語授課 (EMI) 課程學習心得海報競賽 China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Learning Experience Poster Competition 2023 特別獎組得獎海報作品 (Award-Winning Posters in the Special...
International Cultural Activity Proposal Competition 2023
2023-03-23 雙語活動OBJECTIVE In order to facilitate interactions between international and Taiwanese students, enhance students' understanding of diverse cultures, and build an inclusive and international-friendly...
醫學院111學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)課程 學習心得影片競賽 China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Learning Experience Video Competition 2023
2023-03-22 雙語活動活動宗旨 為推動教育部「大專校院學生雙語化學習-重點培育學院計畫」,中國醫藥大學醫學院擬舉辦全英語授課(English as a medium of instruction, EMI)課程學習心得影片競賽,希冀以賽促學,鼓勵大學部和研究所同學分享過去2學年期間(110~111學年度),修讀全英語授課(EMI)課程之心得和經驗,以利傳承EMI修課經驗、提升全英語課程(EMI)...