China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Award-Winning Posters Exhibition Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of recipients
中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第二學期全英語授課(EMI)學習心得海報競賽得獎作品展(水湳校區) 調查問卷獲獎名單/ China Medical University College of Medicine EMI Course Award-Winning Posters Exhibition Survey (2022-2023 Academic Year) List of recipients
系所/年級 |
姓名 |
1 |
營養系四年級 |
賴O葳 |
2 |
藥四甲 |
施O洪 |
3 |
護理系2甲 |
黃O瑜 |
4 |
醫二乙 |
林O儒 |
5 |
營養系教師 |
黃O閔 |
6 |
藥二丁 |
孫O齊 |
7 |
藥二丙 |
陳O柔 |
8 |
教職員 |
吳O瑜 |
敬請獲獎者於6月1日(四)前填寫領據,並繳交或郵寄至醫學院辦公室 (英才校區基礎醫學大樓四樓/ 地址: 404333台中市北區學士路91號 中國醫藥大學醫學院 陳小姐收 )。
Congratulations! A notification letter will be emailed to the recipients. Recipients must complete a payment receipt and submit it to the Office of the College of Medicine (4F, Medical Building, Yingcai Campus) before June 1st (Thu). Recipients who do not submit their receipts by June 1st, 2023 (Thu) will be disqualified from getting the gift card.
主辦單位: 中國醫藥大學醫學院
Organizer: China Medical University College of Medicine
活動洽詢 Contact:
Office of the BEST Program, College of Medicine, China Medical University
TEL:(04)2205-3366 ext. 2191 (Ms. Chen)