中國醫藥大學醫學院全英語夏令營 (China Medical University College of Medicine Summer Camp 2023)
China Medical University College of Medicine Summer Camp 2023
活動日期 (Date):June 19th(Mon)~ June 21st (Wed), 2023
主辦單位 (Organizers): College of Medicine, CMU & English Corner Teacher Mr. Todd Blackhurst
Participants: 20 students of CMU
Application Deadline: June 11th, 2023
Online Application Form: is external)
Activity Content: Minute to win it games(團隊遊戲) , Conversation Groups, games at sports center, scavenger hunt, board games, learning about western culture, drama, etc.
Note: Spots are limited; therefore, you will receive a confirmation letter from the College of Medicine before June 16th, if you have applied successfully.
*Participants are advised to participate in the 3 whole days of the summer camp.
The Office of the EMI Program, College of Medicine, China Medical University
TEL: 04-22053366 ext.2191/ ext. 2135
EMAIL: (Ms. Chen)/ (Ms. Lee)