113-1 醫學院林靜茹老師受邀中醫學院 English Cafe 7:Bright Vision for a Bright College Life : Let's Talk About Chinese and Western Approaches to Eyecare
Topic: Bright Vision for a Bright College Life : Let's Talk About Chinese and Western Approaches to Eyecare
Moderator: Ching-ju Lin , School of Medicine (Department of Physiology) Professor/ Office of Global Affairs Associate Dean of Global Affairs
Date: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Nov 26 2024 (Tue)
Location: Discussion room 4, 11th Floor, Lifu Teaching Building (Yingcai Campus)
Sign-up: Starting today until capacity is full (20 people/session)
*Sign-up Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoVqwNGnXfh6Z3QRsjPlu0dFbLab46znzGx20aVkkVWTkGow/closedform
*The activity will be in full English!
*The event is free, and those who participate 6 times throughout the semester will receive a certificate of participation.
*This activity can be credited to "EMI Passport" from Bilingual Center at 1 point per hour; the maximum number per semester is 3 points (3 hours).
*Weekly topics will be updated on the latest news on the EMI website of the College of Chinese Medicine: https://ccmemi.cmu.edu.tw/