【與雙語中心合辦】歡迎同學報名參加113學年度第一學期English Cafe — Christmas English Day
歡迎同學報名參加113學年度第一學期English Cafe — Christmas English Day,敬請填寫以下報名表。
活動日期: 113/12/19(四)中午12:00~15:00
地點: 水湳校區卓越大樓7樓702「主動學習教室」
老師: Steven Jobert 等外籍老師
主題內容: 歡樂英文歌曲合唱、趣味互動遊戲、聖誕文化與傳統習俗交流 等
報名日期: 即日起至 12/13(五) 中午12:00前
報名人數: 60位
*原先有上這週English Cafe的同學也需要再填一次喔~我們需要統計人數,訂購餐盒。
Welcome to join English Cafe— Christmas English Day
During this holiday season, we are going to have a special topic to share with you.
Through interactive games, you'll learn more about Christmas culture and enhance your English conversation skill. Let's celebrate Christmas together!
Teacher: Steven Jobert and other teachers
Time: 19th December (Thu.) from 12:00 pm. to 15:00 pm.
Venue: 7F, Excellence Building 702 "Active Learning Classroom", Main Campus (Shui-Nan Campus)
Registration time: before 13th December (Fri.) 12:00 p.m.
Number limit: 60 people
*Provide light meal lunch box
*If you have already registered English cafe on 28th December, please register again.
Organizer: Bilingual Education Center
Co-organiser: College of Medicine& College of Chinese Medicine, CMU
Email: adm26@cmu.edu.tw TEL: 04-22053366 ext.1029
If you want to cancel the registration, please email to adm26@cmu.edu.tw , thank you.
活動公告: https://language.cmu.edu.tw/news/285
主辦單位: 雙語教學推動資源中心/ adm26@cmu.edu.tw / 04-22053366 #1029
協辦單位: 醫學院、中醫學院雙語計畫推動辦公室