CMU College of Medicine EMI Course Learning Experience Video Competition 2023 List of awardees
感謝各位同學參加醫學院 EMI課程學習心得影片競賽,獲獎名單如下:
Thank you for participating in the EMI Course Learning Experience Video Competition 2023. The award lists are as follows:
一般組 General Category |
第一名 First Place |
黃◎榕 |
第二名 Second Place |
江◎晴/鄭◎謙 | |
第三名 Third Place |
Y◎u-C◎ng Y◎ | |
佳作 Masterpiece |
佳作 Excellence |
O◎g Z◎n Sh◎an | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
Y◎u-Ch◎g Y◎ | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
黃◎榕 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
P◎de P◎u I◎a Okt◎ani | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
江◎晴/鄭◎謙 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
進階組 Advanced Category |
第一名 First Place |
陳◎翰 |
第二名 Second Place |
李◎德 | |
第三名 Third Place |
Sa◎d Al◎ | |
佳作 Excellence |
Ma◎ieh Sa◎ei | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
李◎德 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
S◎id A◎i | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
陳◎翰 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
Sa◎d A◎i / Ulzi◎agal Su◎bat | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
沈◎玟 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
吳◎玟 |
特別獎組 Special Award Category |
第一名 First Place |
孫◎亨 |
第二名 Second Place |
孫◎亨 | |
第三名 Third Place |
許◎莘 | |
佳作 Excellence |
許◎莘 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
孫◎亨 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
孫◎亨 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
許◎莘 | |
人氣獎 Best Popularity Award |
許◎莘 |
The details of receiving awards will be notified by email later on.
Congratulations to the awardees!
Office of BEST Program (EMI Program) , College of Medicine, CMU